VMR/NAPOLI CD 122 Italian and American?

By Raven Kotlarsky; posted September 29, 2010

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What do we (Insulator Collectors) know about the History of the CD 122 VMR/NAPOLI? Design and threads are American and glass and embossing is Italian… I have heard some far fetched stories about these just wondering if we know any facts on them :) I did not find any info in the Insulator Gazette.

P.S. Check out the Awesome white swirl that goes all the way around the insulator! There is also a large black bubble on it!

UPDATE: I just received this info from my Friend Nora in Italy. (Thanks Nora!)

"This insulator has been in production in the period 1943-1945 in Naples (Napoli) by VETRERIE MERIDIONALI RIUNITE, ordered by the US troops in southern Italy. This is the original type, while a variation with top groove is known.

The insulator has been used as a telephone insulator, while some other American types have been rescued in Italy. L'et's remember the abandoned railroad from Agrigento to Trapani (Sicily) whose telephone line was originally equipped with WHITALL TATUM clear CD 122s in number of four on wooden poles, and some other Americans CD 154 used in Tuscany on houses' walls"