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By Robert Youngers; posted May 23, 2010

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I needed a light in my storage shed (which is a replica of a MO-PAC RR handcar shed i built a couple years ago), and hooking it up to 110V was out of the question, so instead i took a 12V RV bulb and tried a battery setup. That didn't work, so i went to plan B, which was to run wires from the transformer of one of my RR signals out to the shed. I relocated 2 poles i had on display (not in very good shape) with the plan to run an insulated wire pair out to the shed on the poles, but decided to take it a step further. I ran the insulated wires underground from the signal to the pole you see here. Then i connected one to the fuse can (which has a 3A auto fuse in it), and connected them to authentic copper wire i got off the MO-PAC line. At the other end i connected those to a twisted pair of signal wires, which ran into the shed. I figured the connections wouldn't be reliable, but when i threw the switch the light came on. I've got a little more work to do to it.