Surface Milk Swirls ???

By Roger Poole; posted April 29, 2010

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I've had several Brookfield CD 145 crebs that were mostly smooth and shinny and at the same time they had areas that seemed weathered. Sometimes most of the insulators were covered in this dull finnish as well. Often I wondered if what I was looking at was not weathering but actually milk on the surface. Usually there was some milky swirls inside the glass too. I've added a close up pic of one of the three Brookfield B&O CD 136's I found yesterday (click on the link here that will take you back to the hunt and find album [id=277066486] . In this pic you can see that there is milk in the glass on the shirt and on the dome is the substance in question. See the way it swirls? Whatever it is it swirls and my pic only shows a little. There is more of this as you go around the dome. Two of the insulators I found yesterday are like this. There is also milk inside the dome chasing the threads which is not so rare that my pic didn't show here. So anyway, my question would be is what I'm referring too milk or not. What do you think?