CD 162 Brookfield and Hemingray 19 differences

By Martin Walsh; posted January 22, 2010

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The Aqua brookfield on the left is a CD 162 only by base and height dimensions. The wire groove is distinctly different as is the upper edge of the wire grove and the nipple on dome. The insulator resembles more closely the CD 156.2 or the CD 162.7 but the dimensions for those CD's are not even close to this Brookfield.

Also notice the nipple on the Brookfield on the left [id=268769895]

And another comparison with another Hemingray 19 [id=268768576]

After posting my request to ICON, Bill Vincent was kind enough to post the following picture of a CD 162.3 Star [id=268773123]. Thanks Bill. I didn't think the measurements of the Brookfield matched but perhaps they do.