Power line in rural Kansas: Keeping birds off the wires

By Steve McCollum; posted October 6, 2009

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This picture was taken along Rt. 4, between Healy and Shields, in rural Kansas. There were miles of this transmission line, with two of the X-shaped items between conductors on the top crossarms. They do not appear to be grounded - note that the vertical ground wire in this picture stops below the lower crossarm.

I might have guessed that they were something to draw a lightning-induced arc off the conductors if they were grounded. So what are they?



Several members replied that these are to keep birds with a large wingspan from landing on the top crossarm and shorting the conductors with their wings!

Thanks especially to Pat Scott, Craig Scheloski, Miles (O-B Miles) McLall, Brian Weeldreyer, Steve Marsh, David Dahle, James Bancroft, and Larry Vollmer for their quick replies! Great group we have here.