Old photo related to previous post

By Brian Weeldreyer; posted August 24, 2009

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This photo dates to around 1910-1915 and was taken about 5-6 miles away from the pictures I took here [id=254865080] and here [id=254871853]. My picture of the power line looks to the north, this one is looking south. For those of you not following the email thread discussing these pictures, many of the comments have centered around the fact that the insulators I found were third rail insulators for an electric interurban railroad running between Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo, Michigan. This is the depot in Shelbyville. In this photo you can see the base of the same steel towers shown in my picture. What I don't see, though, is a third rail in the interurban track. I'm not a railroad buff, but if I were to guess at an explanation, I'd say that this car is shown on a siding used for boarding. I can see what looks like a switch merging the siding to the main track in the background. I'm guessing this would be a lot safer for the passengers since the third rail was apparently carrying 2400 volts. Am I correct? If so, how was the car moved along the siding?