Yard Pole Line Just Installed

By Mike Parker; posted November 11, 2008

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I finally got the holes dug to set my 2 square redwood ex-Southern Pacific RR poles in the yard. This photo shows my friends Greg, "Buckwheat" holding a Prism power glass and "Railroad Ron" holding the shovel, and helping me set them in and backfill the dirt (which I did most of) ! I got the poles in 2004 when UPRR was hauling them off the right of way for disposal, their years of open wire service now over. You may recall that I had the poles in the back yard of my previous house as an "Insularbor", a pole structure made into an arbor for grape plants. A pic of it is in this gallery but way back there! They are cut to 12 feet and are 9 feet high in the ground. The line will now be used for light wires in the yard.