Super 737.6 with original peg Sale

By Lara Sullivan-Beshara; posted October 27, 2008

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Hi I picked this up at a recent Ontario get together . As I have been picking up Canadian threadless lately , I feel the need to pass this American piece to fund my habit. This exact insulator can be found by searching the gallery Hunts and Finds using 737.6 There are 3 pic's of it, showing all angles . There is also a description and some background. In my pic the open bubble can be seen at the top. The cement used to hold it, with the cloth, I would say is all original. The cement is the same type I find in my fixed globe lanterns

An outstanding example, so if you want a 737.6, This is about as good as it gets. $500 US SHIPPING INCLUDED WITH INSURANCE Now offered at $440 . US Shipping included