CD 102 blue blue Westinghouse and is VNM

By Keith Roloson; posted August 4, 2008

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This is the third bluest Westinghouse available out of what they manufactured, meaning there are only 2 of 8 shades darker. This is next to darkest except for maybe 3 really dark ones I know of locked away in collections. If you are interested, contact me and I can tell you how blue it IS and give more pix. It is indeed VNM. It has a tiny bit of crackle in the threads which is an observation, not a criticism. $3400 plus we work out shipping and insurance that is safest. I have put it next to a sapphire blue CD 145 NEGM in bright sunlight to show just how BLUE this is. Quite blue, only overwhelmed by a sapphire. I have had this piece many years. I believe there has been no PUBLIC offer of a blue Westinghouse pony in 6 years, other than a damaged one in a catalog a few months ago. Keith Roloson