M.T.Co. CD 742 THREADLESS!! Sale

By Barrett Nicpon; posted June 16, 2008

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I vividly recall the day I reclaimed this piece from the wild, as I cut tree roots, and scooped trowels of dirt from the ground before seeing that dark, reflective surface that we all know as glass! Glass looks a little different when it's buried, but no matter how it looks, you always get a warm feeling of euphoria when you start digging around at a threadless-era pole site, and actually turn some up! Times, change, though, and pieces are upgraded with those changes. I have since recovered a better condition example of this M.T.Co. CD 742 threadless style, and thus I am passing this one along!

This one is the [030] M.T.Co. CD 742 embossing style with a period under the 'o' in 'M.T.Co.'. The colour is light green aqua, and the only issue with the piece is that as the photo shows, it's been cracked into 3 pieces and reglued. The gluing job is quite seamless, and the piece actually looks quite respectable from the front. There is a chunk of glass missing where the impact point was on the rear skirt, and the normal base nibbling, but, again, not a bad specimen until a better one comes along! The embossing is in mint condition, and there is surprisingly little base chipping, short of that large chunk missing. The piece is unusually shiny for having been buried for so long!

I'm asking $65.00 U.S. plus shipping for this really shiny jewel of a threadless which I pulled from the ground myself! I accept personal cheques from any member of ICON, or anyone I've dealt with before. Please feel free to email me with any questions, or for more photos!