How would you spell HESCHO ???

By Bob Scafe; posted October 12, 2007

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I was browsing through a pile of stuff in a little junque shop, and discovered this insulator. Nice light blue, and it is imprinted with the name HESGHO. Note the "G" in Hescho. Also, this is the first blue Hescho insulator I have seen. All others have been various shades of brown. Is blue an unusual colour for Hescho insulators or even HESGHO.? I even thought momentarily this might be a knock-off with the usual mis-spellings etc. so common in re-productions.

So here is the usual request for comments, suggestions, etc., as to whether this is a common HESCHO colour, or if you have ever seen the mis-spelled HESGHO name before in either blue or brown, or any other thoughts.