Picture 1: Near Goodlettsville, Tennessee

By Mike Herron; posted June 4, 2007

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Me and the family had a great weekend going to the DukesFest in Nashville Tennessee this weekend (for those of you who don't know, this is a festival centered around the Dukes Of Hazzard TV show that happens once a year).

We were all out loafing around, up near Goodlettsville just off of I-65 North when we happened upon a wonderful site!! TONS of old crossarms still standing loaded with glass!! Going all down the main railroad line through the town!! From what I can gather, they are mostly common insulators, Beehives and Hoopskirts with a few CD 154's thrown in the mix as well. I did notice, what appeared to be a CD 151 Flairskirt, I'll post a closeup of it!!

One of the crossarms was right in the parking lot of a Tractor Supply store (I think) and I was literally inches away from being able just to reach up and take them off!! I could have used a 3 foot step ladder to get them!! Of course I didn't do it, as it appears to me that these old crossarms with glass are part of the spirit of the town, probably being preserved in a historical sense. So please, anyone reading this, don't go hunting and taking them down. I wouldn't want to get anyone in trouble!!

Enjoy the pics!!