Glass Power group

By Clint Gaylord; posted April 13, 2007

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I put a bunch off odd and ends on eplace (been getting rained out of work way too much the last few weeks) and I have four more pieces I wanna sell but would like to sell them to local collectors. I've pretty much lost faith in our postal service and really don't want to risk losing anything to their skilled and gracile employees. I figured local folks could pick up or get them delivered and the glass'd be safe. (Oooh I need to get Pat's static shoes taken care of too). Anyway a Muncie, a Coolie, a Provo, and one of those French (?) glass three tiered power pieces. Figured $75 for the Muncie, same for the Coolie, 20 om the Provo and 25 on the foreign piece. Muncie is in pretty darn good shape with just a chip on one of the petticoats (about thumbnail sized), the Coolie is in just as great shape but with an identical chip which is on the skirt though, the Provo has a couple of problems but is still a great display, it has a chipped ridge above bottom wire groove, it has a medium sized but shallow flake area inside skirt, also a fair amount of drip points have some damage (sounds worse than it is really) and lastly the French piece has medium chip on middle skirt, a roughed up flake spot on wire groove and a small portion of the cement around pinhole is gone. Thanks, Clint