5 Patent date F.M. Locke Victor N.Y. / No 23 CD 319

By Bob Scafe; posted December 14, 2006

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It seems that Mike Spadafora and I have the same narrow base CD 319-020 with the incorrect date May 22.96, which should read May 22.94. Of note on this piece is the Ghost Embossing of the 5 patent dates. These are perfectly replicated on the top portion of the umbrella and the neck, resulting in 10 completely readable patent dates. There is also some ghosting on the front side of the umbrella. I got this insulator from Mark Lauckner about 8-9 years ago on a visit to Mayne island. The inner skirt base OD measures 3" which is the same as Mike's insulator. Question: Like mike, I have never seen another narrow base CD 319. Are all the CD 319-020's the narrow base variety, or are there some wide base types within the [020] grouping. Does any other 319 variant come in the narrow base