BNSF pole line

By Pat Scott; posted February 12, 2006

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Here is a picture shot on 2-12-2006. The pole line belongs to BNSF and runs in this configuration from the Chicago area to Ft. Madison, IA along the former Santa Fe. The bottom arm's power circuit is insulated with a great number of corrugated base 43s. On my trip up there today I found the line has been taken out of service in a lot of places. All of the intermediate searchlight signals between Ft. Madison and Lomax, IL have been replaced by new tri-lights, and only a few cabinets have drops to them anymore. The top power line has been stolen along quite a bit of this stretch, as well as some of the copper code line. So, if anyone wants the seemingly elusive corrugated 43, check on this line. Perhaps in time it will be contracted out to be removed. Part of it is already in the process of coming out in northern Missouri.

This part of the line has been removed.