Global Warming 2005

By Lee Brewer; posted April 26, 2005

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Insulators sure can be a great educational tool! This April I have learned that the number 25 is actually less than the number 4 - just by studying my insulators and the weather they endure. Since we all know global warming is a scientific fact (well - according to the way the media throws it around), the snowfall from this year's April 25th actually HAS to be from an earlier date than last year's April 4th. Therefore 25 is less than 4! [id=119096557] for another 2005 shot. [id=85687360] for last year's pictures

Simple, believable, mathematical facts derived from similar, simple, believable, weather facts (derived with just as much scientific validity). BTW - I have also found out this year that global warming has been in effect at least since the 1850's (not the late 1900's when the theory first reared its U.N.-backed head)!

The founder of this town (Union City, PA) kept a diary in which he claims there was a warm spell in January, 1850 and that he plowed a field on January 24, 1850. What an amazing discovery! Here we have an eyewitness account that warmer weather had actually occurred in the long-ago, un-globally warmed, frozen wasteland of the Snow Belt! The only logical conclusion (in light of the global warming fact) is that our current pollution (the supposed cause of the ozone hole which has precipitated a supposed warming of the globe) - is retroactive in its effect and therefore has caused a lot more damage than we ever imagined since it seems the effect works backward through time also!

Of course, we also need to ignore the fact that last summer the news media was claiming (I think the picture I saw was in U.S.A. Today) the ozone hole disappeared as it had broken into two very small holes and this is why the summer was so cool (global warming took a vacation during summer when it should have been showing its ugly head the worst). But, according to the way scientific thought concerning global warming goes, it is OK to ignore things we see - just so we uphold the theory.

What will insulators teach us next? [id=53904120] for 2003 shots and links to 2001 shots.

[id=1296284] for the first round of pics from 2001 - these are frost pictures - I like the way the frost enhances the embossing.