Adam Wilson�s Insulator Page

How it all started

It all began about two and a half years ago when my friend Jon told me about glass insulators and that they were worth money. At the time I had no idea what an insulator looked like, except that they were glass. We went out to an old abandoned railroad bed and started looking. We began to scratch around old pole stumps and then I saw a piece of glass next to a tree, I picked it up and turned to my friend and said �Is this an insulator?� He said yes and we were both excited about the find. It turned out to be a Whitall Tatum CD 155. From then on I had to have insulators it was just an irresistible urge.

About myself

I am 16 and enjoy going to �shows� or clubs where bands play, I enjoy going to insulator shows, and like playing computer games like Doom. But my favorite past time is no doubt looking for insulators, and I hate Winter! During the Winter Jon and I go crazy and have gone looking for insulators when there�s two feet of snow; it�s that bad. I also have four cats Suzy, Shadow, Ajax, and Amber who I love more than all my insulators.

About my collection

I collect any and every insulator I can get for free or a good price. My collection consists of about 600 glass insulators. My best insulators are two Aqua CD 160.6�s, a CD 267.5 in Blue, and also three CD 162.1�s in Olive Amber.

Best finds

The best insulators I have ever found are two Aqua CD 160.6�s. My friend has also found one CD 160.6. I have also found a Purple CD 121 AM.TEL.&TEL. with dome #, and a CD 126 in a strange mustard color that was unfortunately broken.

Written by Adam Wilson,

Last updated Sunday, February 16, 1997

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