Compiled by A.C. Walker
30 July 2002 ; 16 November 2002
Rick Soller wondered..
I was trying to find out if there was another flat top [CD 122] with the Kerr embossing. I seem to remember a CD 155 like that. Does anyone know?
Bill Meier comments:
Yes, the only flat tops listed in the PG are a 155 Kerr, and a unembossed CD 155 {Kerr product}. The CD 122 is not listed.
Caleb Thimell comments:
On page 92 in the [1999] Price Guide, (020) lists a CD 155 Kerr DP1 with Flat dome variant.
Rick Soller comments:
I've listed a CD 155 Kerr flat top for sale:
CD 155 Kerr flat top |
CD 155 [020] KERR DP1 // MADE IN U.S.A. 29 72 [3 dots], smooth base, green tint [unlisted color], $135 postpaid. |
The Kerr flat tops were made in both Millville and in Dunkirk, IN. The Millville ones have the 72 mold manufacture date code plus 3 dots and the Dunkirk ones were made after that (1978, I believe). Apparantly the mold was sent to a glass plant in Dunkirk to fill an order and the piece used to make the dome of the insulator was left out, creating a higher and flatter top when the glass was able to be shaped by the bottom plate on which the mold was hinged. Several of the Dunkirk flat tops showed up at Alan Statsny's hog roast one year; just goes to show that it pays to go to swap meets.
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