Fred Locke U-926A Hunt, Part 1

By Elton Gish; posted September 11, 2004

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On the Sunday of the Denver show, Paul and Mark Greaves invited me to hunt Fred Locke U-926A's near Georgetown. The line is well up in the mountains at 11,000 feet and was used to feed power to mines. They've worked the line a few times and always find some U-926A's with pretty glazes. Many of them have 6-date stamps. It was fun to see 100 year old Fred Locke porcelain still in the air with heavy copper wires attached. I'll show several photos taken that day. [id=99524618]

NOTE: I should explain that it is typically not condoned nor advisable to climb poles with wires on them. In this case, the line has been dead and abandoned for many years. All wires were cut by the power company to prevent any power from unintentionally reaching this permanently dead line. While the poles are original, or of such age to make it likely that they could be rotted at the ground, new pole stubs were installed recently enough to ensure the poles were still solid. Only one pole was climbed.