Antique Store Finds For Today.

By Barrett Nicpon; posted August 17, 2004

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So, here's the story. Ma, Pa, & myself got out today to hit some northerly antique stores. We were out on the road by 9 AM, and intended to drive to Goderich, the sister city of Bay City, Michigan. Suffice to say we had some luck! Over the course of the day, we hit about 10 antique stores, and in total, came back with this lot of pieces. The first stop yielded the 4 sidepins on the right, the most extreme right of which seems to be designed specifically for the 102, and seems to be quite old. With the sidepins came 4 insulators to match. The straw <> 102, the two DOMINION 122s, and the very strange greenish straw DOMINION CD 108 right in front of the 122s. The next stop which featured insulators had a wide variety of pieces, mostly 102s, all of which were $3 each. After some wheelin' & dealin', I managed to pick up the light amethyst, steel blue, light green, & ice green 102s, as well as the TRUE BLUE DIAMOND CD 152 for a very reasonable price. The [060]s don't show up in light shades around here that often. Next shop had the three pop bottles at back left; Horton's Orange Dip, Nu-Grape, & Orange Real Co, respectively, as well as a vertical/diamond & Brookfield 102 for very reasonable prices. The last place visited was an absolutely unbelievable two story warehouse full of junk. All good junk, though, strangely enough. Everything from pop bottles & insulators to vutlery, dishes, furniture, nostalgic signs, paintings, preserve jars, freezers, stoves, old cars, and stuff as bizarre as shopping carts & loooooong expired canned goods could be seen laying everywhere. From that place, and the ton of insulators present there, I picked out a true aqua [060] (previously unseen by me!), and two ambered up BROOKFIELD CD 102s. The last piece, which my mom actually bought for me a few days ago, is a VERY strange porcelain piece which I will post separate photos of soon. Good luck on the lines, ya'll! Keep your eyes open while in antique stores!