CD 127 W. Brook. - April 1870 / 3 Styles & Colors

By Jack Kesling; posted February 23, 2004

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This picture shows three different MLOD CD 127 W. Brookfield's with April 1870 dates. The insulator on the left is a deep blue "mushroom" dome mould style embossed "W. Brookfield 55 Fulton St" on the front dome and "Cauvets Pat Apl 4 1870" on the back dome. The insulator in the middle represents a second "mushroom" dome style which has a taller and more pointed mushroom dome. This insulator is a light teal green and is embossed "W. Brookfield 55 Fulton St" in the front and "Cauvets Pat Apl 4 1870" on the back dome. I have found this mushroom dome variant in various shades of blue-aqua. It's not dramatic, but clearly there are two different mushroom dome styles. The insulator on the right is a distinctly different powder blue "knob" dome style. The embossing is "W. Brookfield 55 Fulton St" on the front dome and "Pat April 4 1870" on the back dome. Although the April 1870 dates were widely distributed on the Central of Georgia Railway telegraph line running South from Macon, GA to Albany, GA, I do remember that the light teal green unit was found near Leesburg, GA which is a few miles North of Albany, Ga. Considering the April dated CD 127's in total, I would say that the CD 127 April 1871 dates out numbered the April 1870 date by about two or three to one. I'm wondering if this was the case in other areas of the country where the CD 127 April dates insulators were found?