CD 127 W. Brook. - April 1871 / Green Colors

By Jack Kesling; posted February 23, 2004

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This picture shows three different colored CD 127's embossed "W. Brookfield 55 Fulton St" on the front dome and "Pat April 4 1871" on the back dome. You will note that these are all the standard "knob" dome style. There are two different "green" April 1871 CD 127's shown in this picture. A shorter green mould variant is on the far left, the blue-green color is in the middle, and a slightly taller mould variant is shown on the far right. Although it's hard to see it in the picture, the shorter green mould variant (left) is a slightly different shade of green than the taller mould variant (right). You will also observe that the dome shape and skirt flare is slightly different on the two green colors. However, for all practical purposes, these two green CD 127 April 1871 dates are essentially the same.