CD 133 W. Brookfield - Style 1 vs. Style 2 (Picture 1)

By Jack Kesling; posted February 1, 2004

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The following pictures compare the CD 133 W. Brookfield mould style variants which I've called style 1 and style 2. Although it's hard to see the difference from a picture, you will note that the embossing is a different size and that the style 1 (on the left) has a slight concave curvature while the style 2 (on the right) has a straight down skirt. I would speculate that this is NOT a CD 133 mould, but a reworked CD 131 mould. If you look at the CD 131 skirt embossed W. Brookfield / No. 55 Fulton St., you will see that they are of identical size and embossing. If I had not seen the style 1 with the slightly concave skirt, I would not have come to this conclusion.