CD 731.2 No Embossing - Blue Aqua

By Jack Kesling; posted January 25, 2004

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I believe that this is a CD 731.2 threadless, but I am rather confused as the photo in John and Carol's book - "Insulators A History and Guide to North American Glass Pintype Insulators" shows a photo of a CD 728. I found a photo of this CD in an old Ray K. auction catalog so will call it a CD 731.2. The color is a nice blue-aqua and this insulator was found on the Central of Georgia Railway telegraph line South of Griffin, GA. It is one of a kind for Georgia. This was a very tough line to hunt as there was a road along side the telegraph line - on the West side of the track, the car traffic was heavy and the poles were very high. Since I did not have pole climbers, I was not good for that many poles. When you shimmy up poles, it's tough work. I passed up many poles that I thought were just too high to climb. Again, all the threadless I found were on threaded oak pins. For the most part, the wires were cut and the insulators were just sitting there.