CD 731 Tillotson

By Jack Kesling; posted January 25, 2004

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This is a nice CD 731 Tillotson (Arch) in nice blue-aqua which was found on the Central of Georgia Railway telegraph line. It was found on the West side of the track between Byron, GA and the point where the North bound track turned East to go under I-75. To be more specific, there are several local access road that cross the tracks as you go North out of Byron. This Tillotson was found on the three pole in from the last access road on the West side of I-75. It was on the top tier and was the second insulator on the West side of the pole. Since this was my very first "threadless" insulator the exact detail is well etched into my memory. This insulator was on a threaded oak pin. The insulator had what I think was "asbestos" fabric with some sort of dark black resin and was forced onto the peg. I don't think the resin was put onto the peg as it was old suggesting that this insulator was moved from an older line onto the line with threaded pegs. Whatever the resin was it did dissolve in concentrated sulfuric acid.