CD 126 RD Blobtops

By Dwayne Anthony; posted January 19, 2004

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Two variations: (left) milky jade green aqua; (right) green aqua with small to moderately sized snow chunks. Both specimens have the typical ground base. The jade specimen has rounded embossing; the snowy one has prismatic embossing. This provides proof that at least two molds existed. A consensus from longtime collectors estimates that 15-20 of these exist in varying conditions from vnm to extremely fractured. The milky jade appears to be the most prevalent. One milky jade specimen exists with a metal pin still encased in the pinhole and a full-length vertical fracture. Use of metal pins could be the culprit for the handful of fractured CD 126 RDs known to exist in collections today. (For a pic of the CD 133 RD insulator [id=79131212].)