CD 158 Boston Bottle Works (Wide Wire Groove)

By Jack Kesling; posted January 18, 2004

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This is a CD 158 Boston Bottle Works in the wide wire groove variety and is medium aqua in color. Two of these were found on the Central of Georgia Railway on the West side of the tracks between Andersonville, GA and Americus, GA. These had old heavy iron wire one which had been cut on both sides and the other was connected by a complete span. Again note, that all the Boston's I found, were on threaded pins and were very hard to remove. I actually degraded the wood with concentrated sulfuric acid. Once the wood was degraded and softened it was easier to work out the oak pins. Also, I would like to note that I believe the narrow groove CD 158 Boston was the most common Boston utilized in Georgia. Most of these were found on the line running West out of Fort Valley, GA to Columbus, GA. The line was on the South side of the track near Fort Valley, but went back to the North side very quickly once the track crossed Route 96. It again moved to the South side of the tracks on the other side of Junction City. This was a neat line as it used CD 126.3's instead of CD 127's on the Western Union line. This line also contained most of the colored CD 126's in green and olive shades.