34kv lines being replaced, 10" Green Glass Bowls

By Zachary Gillihan; posted January 8, 2004

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Well i was driving along Tuesday and then came back by yesterday and saw a new 75ft pole laying next to the road, they are building a new QT so they are moving the poles back and this pole had a 34kv line dead ending with 9 Green 10" Glass bowls. So I have learned if you can't find them to leave a sign asking them to set aside all old insulators. So i had the sign ready and you put them on the NEW pole and they read it and if they are nice they will leave the stuff, i figured i would put it there today thinking by the time i got there that they would be gone but i got there and they were working away. Thank the Lord that it was AmerenUE and one of the line men knew me, we hadn't seen each other for about a year and a half so i told him what i wanted caught up on new'old events and he said that they most likely wont get them down till next Wens but when they do they will put them in the bushes, Ill have more pix soon.