CD 214 Hemingray-43 Date Code

By Mike Csorbay; posted December 30, 2003

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There has been discussion on ICON off and on regarding the date codes in use on Hemingray products; O-4 = 1934, 8 = 1938, etc., and any "dots" added to the mold equaled an additional year that mold had been used... are you with me so far? :-) Someone asked the ICON audience "What is the largest amount of dots you've ever seen added to a mold?" While I think someone had more, this is the most I've ever seen... it's an O-4 with sixteen added dots, making its date of manufacture 1950! You can see them in the inset pic; one each above and below the dash, one above the 4, then 6 rows of 2 followed by a single dot. I also have two others from the same mold, just earlier versions, with fewer dots but in the same locations, working their way towards the right mold line. BTW, if anyone would like to have this one, it's available and in VVNM condition (that is actually a bit of paper stuck to the front of it, not a wire burn!)