CD 151 Hemingray Blue 4 sale

By Lee Brewer; posted October 26, 2003

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H.G.CO. PETTICOAT - Hemingray Blue. Picture color is off!! this piece is a gorgeous Hemingray blue color (I have/had cornflowers in various shades, aquas, and other Hemi blue - I know the color well) in real life. As you can see from the pic there is a great bubble after the "CO.". Unfortunately on the side near he mold line there also is a base chip. Otherwise this piece would be in a condition to rate the full value the book puts it at - which would be 150-175! The chip itself is actually only an inch long and about a 1/4 inch tall. there is a bruise into the glass that extends in either direction for a total of about 3 inches long and 1/2 inch high. Make an offer! Don't be afraid! [id=71733984] for a pick of the base