The Star Story

By Matthew Kancle; posted April 3, 2024

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It was late September of last year and my hunting partner Tom just had hip surgery. I was at his house around 5 pm and was leaving for the west coast the next day. He called our contact at the mill that we had been picking since mid summer. We were surprised to learn that they had just knocked down one of the main buildings earlier in the day. Although it was getting late we decided I should go down there and take a look around. After all Tom was going to be out of service for a few weeks and I was going to be a few thousand miles away. I pulled in and started rummaging through the destruction. We thought we picked all of the cabletops from this building. This was mostly true except for two helmets that must have previously escaped our attention. They were on a lower level lead otherwise full of CD 162 signals. I assumed they were common Brookfield "cable" embossed CD 259's in the fading light. Although the building was mostly down the two helmets were still about 15 feet in the air. The roof had not totally collapsed in the area they were in just yet. I had to gingerly climb up the beam to snag them. By this time it was very late in the day and the sun had already set. I reached out to unscrew the first one and saw a star along with the June 17 1890 patent date as it spun! That was really cool. I climbed down, put it on the ground, and went for the next one which was also a patent dated star! The yellow green color of both was apparent even with the onset of nightfall. I took this picture the next day! This is why I love finding insulators in the wild! It really is about the adventure even if nothing is found. When something nice does pop up it's "icing on the cake" so to speak! Matt