Texas Arm & Pin Co.

By Elton Gish; posted September 30, 2003

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I just rediscovered this small paper item that I have had for almost 30 years. It apparently was intended to be used as an advertising brochure but only the image shown here was printed. The back side is blank with a handwritten receipt for $12 to the left of the beautiful illustration of an obvious Texas yellow pine crossarm and pins. The receipt was dated April 2, 1929; however the illustration was registered April 20th 1900 probably as a copyrighted design. Long Leaf Yellow pine was famous at the turn of the century in East Texas, and Beaumont, TX was at the center of lumber made from that tree. Long Leaf Yellow pine trees were extremely slow growing taking around 200 years to reach maturity. The endangered Red Cockated Woodpecker makes it the sole location for nesting by boring a huge chamber inside the trunk (massive runs of sap is how you find the nesting hole). East Texas was covered with this now rare pine tree and was quickly replaced by much faster growing pine species. Lumber companies would cut away and burn the thinner layer of new outer wood on trees of 5-7 feet in diameter to leave the huge core of heart pine from which all lumber and other wood products were made -- and it was naturally very disease and rot resistant. Hope you enjoy the bit of East Texas history along with the beautiful illustration.