What is your favorite find/purchase of 2022?

By Matt Kl; posted December 20, 2022

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I saw Nick Norwood post a question titled "If you had to choose." In the post he choose his four favorite insulators. I looked and looked at mine and could not do it as I have been given some of them as gifts from family members and I did not want to leave any out. So I figured why not have a post for your favorite find/purchase of the year.

Mine came about a month ago as I was stopping at an antique store. I picked up and insulator that was more than I wanted to spend. My son then picked up something out of the same booth and asked the price and the gentleman said that it was 40% off what the tag said. I turned and asked if it was for everything and he replied yes. So I ended up with this beauty for $17. If has a couple chips but I am happy. I know a lot of people would have paid the normal price but I just couldn't because I try to keep things to a budget with having kids and a family.

Merry Christmas!