GLASS / WRIC 2003 CREB CD 136 B&O Yll Olv Grn

By Lee Brewer; posted August 31, 2003

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Jim Frustieri -brought this piece at my request also. My CREB partner Chris Renaudo is studying CREB CD 136's and I wanted to "mask" this one for him. (it figures I forgot my pen - but Jim said he would oblige!). This is a very rare piece and an amazing one to behold. A yellow olive green CD 136 B&O.

I would personally like to thank Jim Frustieri and Ken Willick both for bringing some incredible pieces for the CREB research project to the show for me to catalog. Both of these friends have been, and continue to be, a big help in this effort!

Although I have not shown as many of Ken's pieces here, it is because I lost a diskette full of pictures! I do have my notes though - and thankfully, I do have one of the most important (to the research!) pictures here [id=66952692]