Coloured Porcelain

By Barrett Nicpon; posted July 9, 2003

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This one's for you, Mike & Debbie. Yes, I did intentionally inquire about owning this coloured porcelain. ;-D I guess I'm more of a porcelain-head than I thought!

I recently came to.. "acquire" these by an unconventional means. No, I didn't steal them, they were given to me by my good friend Mr. Ball, the lineman. Which is "unconventional" by my means, which are usually pulling things from the wild. Now, I don't really know anything about any of the U - #s, so I'm just curious as to whether or not anybody can help me..... from right to left;

(2) dark cobalt unmarked pony style. 3 1/8" tall x 2 3/8" wide at base

(2) Dark cobalt dry process pony style. Marked on the dome; "D inside a square" 3 1/4" tall x 2 3/8" wide at base

(1) light cobalt dry process pony style. Marked on dome; "D inside a square" 3 1/4" tall x 2 3/8" side at base

(1) brown porcelain signal with the incuse "G.P.Co." on front skirt about 3 5/8" tall x 2 7/8" wide at base

(1) mottled dark brown glazed cable top style with incuse "G.P.Co." on front skirt. 3" tall x 3 5/8"

(2) assorted unmarked cable styles (I'm not so serious about these, I already had a bunch)

(1) Ohio brass marked cable style (not so curious about this, either. )

Does anybody know U - #s, age, or value for any of these? And another thing, what exactly does G.P.Co. stand for? I think I've heard of it before, but I never thought of what it might stand for.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!