CD-132 No Embossing (Cadiz) Rim "PATd" - Chicago Northwestern RR - West Central Iowa

By Jack Kesling; posted November 30, 2020

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This post is on a CD 132 Cadiz bullet that was found in 1973 on the Chicago Northwestern Railroad as it ran West out of Boone, Iowa and crossed the Des Moines River toward Ogden, Iowa. Details are as follows:

CD-132 No Embossing - Cadiz Style - Script 2 (Front Dome) Patd (Rim) - Mint Green (Bubbles / Microbubbles) - Measurements: 75 mm Wide x 109 mm Height.

The script 2 on the dome was hard to photograph, but I was able an angle to obtain a decent photo. Also, the "PATd" on the rim was impossible to photograph since the upper part was on a flat surface, but the bottom part of the embossing is bent around the rim - this is the best photo I was able to take.