CD-108 Whitall Tatum No. 9 (Front) - Southern Bell Farm Dump - Georgia - Post No. 29

By Jack Kesling; posted October 10, 2020

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Seventeen collectable CD 108 Whitall Tatum "pony style" telephone insulators were found in the Southern Bell farm woodlot dump pile. One went into my collection and the rest made great trading stock. Post number no. 29 [id=606952402] is as follows:

CD-108 No. 9 /Whitall Tatum Co. (Front Skirt) / Made In the U.S.A. (Mold Numbers 2 - 7) (Back Skirt) - Medium SCA

I will also post a picture of the back skirt embossing. Note: This is the end of my posts on the Southern Bell farm dump insulator pile. My Georgia co-working indicated that these insulator were removed from local telephone lines near Cockran, Georgia during a period from the late 1950's to about 1961. What an experience and honor to have been able to collect from this farm dump.