Two CD 102 Patd (Rim) - Southern Bell Farm Insulator Dump - Georgia - Post No. 21

By Jack Kesling; posted October 10, 2020

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Two collectable CD 102 Patd (rim embossed) "pony style" telephone insulators were found in the Southern Bell farm woodlot dump pile. Post number no. 21 is as follows:

CD-102 PAT D (Rim Embossed - Small Capital "D" Underlined) / 2 (Embossed On Top of Dome With Broken Circle) - 3 Piece Mold - Blue Aqua (Note: Both insulators have small glass buttons under the dome.)

The question is - if you were an insulator - would you like to be on the top of the pile or on the bottom of the dump pile? The CD 102 (Left) was on the top of the pile and the CD 102 (Right) was found partially buried on the very bottom of the pile. Another question is what glass house made these insulators? I have a CD 133.4 Rim Embossed "PAT D" found in Pennsylvania that is thought to be a Beaver Falls insulator - the rim embossed PAT D is identical in style to the CD 102 PAT D. In addition, Beaver Falls glass have top dome numbers. I will post pictures of both the Top "2" [id=606946893] and pictures of the rim embossing [id=606947310] [id=606947643].

Note: E-mail from Brent Burger - These were made by Cadiz, in Cadiz, Ohio. Fragments were dug at the factory site [id=552276272] [id=401817321] [id=222874137].

Thank you Brent - I stand corrected and have learned from this posting exercise.