CD-126 RD 149959 - Compared With Various CD 126 - Georgia

By Jack Kesling; posted September 27, 2020

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About a week or so ago, I received the following e-mail question. I will attempt to provide an answer. Back in 2004, I posted pictures of all the CD 126 style insulators which were found on the Central of Georgia Railway Western Union telegraph line. This included the CD 126 RD 149959 in jade green.

e-Mail Comment / Question Sent To Me By e-Mail:

"Recently I noticed that the RD 126's seem to come in two varieties. One seems to be very junky/milky, with a flatter dome profile, while the other has a taller, more rounded dome profile and the glass tends to lack the thick crud in it. What did you find on the C of G, and any other thoughts you might have ?" (Question From Brent Burger - the RD149959 in question can be viewed at [id=605833098].

e-Mail Comment / My Answer:

In 1969, I was lucky enough to find two CD-RD149959 in rich "jade green" on the Central of Georgia Railway Western Union telegraph line. One went into my collection and the other was traded to a collector in New York. This insulator has a MLOD with a factory ground base. It measures 10.5 cm from base to dome and 7.0 cm from base to center of the wire groove. Pictures and the story of where it found was posted in 2004. See the following: [id=78863140] and [id=81452098]

Since I don't have both styles that were referenced in the question, I can't make a side-by-side assesment. However; ICON does have an answer for this question. A search show a post from Steven Kelly in 2010 which shows both styles side-by-side. My conclusion based on Steve's picture is that there is no difference in height or dome style of the two different CD 126 styles.. Maybe Steve might want to comment. See the following: [id=382639078].

Comment From Mark Evans Regarding Brent's Question:

Upon viewing your photo [id=605833098], I would l suggest that the reason for the rounded dome profile is due to stretching. It appears that there is an abundance of dome glass in this piece.. So the dome was the hottest part of the insulator when it was removed from the mold. I also would point out how the wire groove is also pulled open. And the threads at the top of the pin hole also seem pulled apart. So it could be the same mold as the ones with the flatter dome. Just stretched/rounded.

Other references include the following:

Fred Collier [id=373922273]

Brian Riecker [id=568725590]

Elton Gish [id=276204867]

Douglas Smith [id=361997053]

Dave Potts [id=605838678]

Dave Wiecek [id=269215006]

It has been 16 years since I posted the my first picture of the CD 126 RD149959 and all of the various CD 126's found in Georgia. Since the digital photo technology has dramatically improved, I want to re-post "better" pictures of the RD149959 and compare the design profile with other CD 126 style. Please see the following ten "Reference Information" posts.