CD-123 Teal aqua

By Mark Lauckner; posted March 22, 2020

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Nice rich color and lots of little bubbles and creases. Great clean shiny glass, and the best part, a base with just inch-one long thin flake! Otherwise Mint! Looks like there was a large bubble on the dome that was pressed out, so there are remnants from that around the sides of the dome, but it does not detract from the piece as it is "factory". Wow, I can't imagine what that factory was actually like inside, dark, smoky, loud, dusty, no electricity, no natural gas, hot, sweaty, straw and barrels in the packing shed, the smell of horse poo everywhere. The Wild West. 1870's San Francisco. Anyways, I'm asking 440 for this teal aqua VNM. Not with the typical amount of skirt flakes upwards around those sharp bottom outer base edges. more pics if needed.