California Color Guidance: eBay Insulator Photography-- Lesson Learned? Not Learned !!

By Colin Jung; posted July 11, 2018

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Use View Original mode after reading my discussion. On the left side is an eBay auction photograph of a California CD 152 hoopskirt. Auction described it as a purple insulator with a Buy It Now for $50.00. If the photo color was rendered accurately, I would say it was actually a very bad photo of a very good California 2-tone in a tough CD-- a steal at just $50 !! Something bugged me, so I checked the owner's other insulator auction photos and in all of the photos the color was skewed in the same direction with too much blue and green added to even known clear insulators.

I emailed the seller and requested an eyeball color ID and additional photos. The seller sworn the auction Cal was a pure purple color. I didn't get the two additional photos (using the same camera!) until after another eBay looker, not willing to exercise the same care and risk losing the piece, pulled the Buy It Now trigger. As you can discern in the third photo (right side), it really appears to be just a purple Cal hoopskirt, which is not a steal at $50 !! Buyer Beware !

This particular insulator was returned to the seller and re-auctioned with the same photos. It sold again with a buy-it-now price of $50.00 on August 2, 2018. Lesson not learned!