Peach diamond P CD 154.....with round drip points?

By Barrett Nicpon; posted March 11, 2003

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I don't know about all you others out there in ICON land, but I don't see too many of these around these parts. My mom n' I spent about 5 hours driving around looking in antique stores, and bagging this guy for $4 (he's in really bad shape) was the closest we came to getting anything good. This is the first of these "oddball" 154's I've seen around here. Anyone else notice that there are some embossing styles of CD 154 <> that just never seem to turn up, and eventually you start to doubt whether or not they even exist? This was one of them for me. I've found plenty of smooth base < P > 154's, but none with RDP. How many of you have found any [025]'s, [050]'s, [065]'s, [070]'s, or [090]'s? I've only seen maybe two of the above. The one I just bought ([050]), and one I've seen in antique stores, but always pass up the opportunity to buy (I don't know why), that's the [025].