Lot #30 Light steel blue / aqua WFG CD 134 with cullet in dome Dome View Sale

By Mike Gaudy; posted July 30, 2017

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Lot #30 Light steel blue / aqua WFG CD 134 with cullet in dome This insulator is in very good condition; especially for a Denver made insulator. Typically Denver glass is loaded with annealing cracks on the surface and in the threads. I found no surface annealing cracks but did find 4 or 5 very small annealing lines inside around the pin hold, as well as some chipping around the pin hole. Photos were taken in natural daylight (some in front of a shear curtain) and/or in front of full spectrum fluorescent light. The "lot" numbers (#) help me track items. The insulators they are not embossed with that number. The entire dome is covered with bits of un-melted glass making a kind of mosaic pattern on the dome. I have taken a photo next to a light aqua WFG toll for comparison. The insulator loos to be closer to aqua in the base and blue in the dome. $65 plus shipping. Now $45 plus shipping.