This Week's Flea Finds

By Chris Cotnoir; posted June 2, 2017

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The weather up here has improved enough for the outdoor flea market season to begin, and I've been off this week, so here's a little sampling of some of what I've found, both outdoors and in. From the left: CD 162.3 EIN [020] (F-Skirt) W. BROOKFIELD (R-Skirt) NEW YORK SB in Purple, nm+. CD 241 EIN [020] (F-Skirt) HEMINGRAY-23 (R-Skirt) MADE IN U.S.A. SDP in Honey Amber, drip point damage. CD 162 EIN [010] (F-Skirt) [Star] SB in two-tone Yellow Green dome/Aqua skirt, nm. CD 104 EIN [010] (Dome) [Backwards] 3 (F-Skirt) (Arc)NEW ENG TEL & TEL./CO. SB in Light Aqua with a heavy olive squiggle from the dome into the skirt, no damage. CD 134 EIN [100] (F-Crown) (Arc)W. BROOKFIELD/45 CLIFF ST N.Y. {MLOD} SB in unlisted Blue, vnm. CD 121 EIN [010] (F-Skirt) McLAUGHLIN (R-Skirt) No 16 RDP in Emerald Green, flashover front skirt. Crude porcelain pony (Thomas?) in mottled black/brown glaze, no damage. U-297 marked P.P./--INC./1958 with an incuse K on the dome in bright Yellow, no damage. U-1137(?) incuse Gisborne Pattern. (note upper and lower case letters) with grooved base in bright White, no damage. Finally, in the back is a blue Coke bottle PAT. NOV. 16, 1915, which is a sideline interest of mine. Gonna hit a few more spots tomorrow. Hope to get as lucky! 8^D Comments/inquiries welcome.