Unusual Green/Aqua Two-Tone CD 1050 Spool Sold

By Caleb Thimell; posted October 22, 2016

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Here's an unusual aqua spool with so much amber swirls that it looks green. The color separates in places so that a two-tone can be seen. This CD 1050 spool is from Colombia and no two are alike in this color with around a dozen total are known.

Handmade in small batches from leftover cullet used to make the pintype insulators. This example was made with too much glass poured into the mold, so that excess glass is sticking out all around the upper and lower outer rims. The glass edge has since broken off when removed from its mold but was in other examples buffed off at the factory. Also has typical pinhole roughness where cap was punched out prior to installation.

First email gets this unusual handmade spool for only $100 postpaid. Thanks