CP Multipart Family - M-2615 I - "AK" incuse

By Barrett Nicpon; posted July 21, 2016

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A later standard from the CP arsenal of the late 1920s and 1930s is this two-parter which comes in various mottled browns and caramels. [id=473725127;Some earlier examples come in fiery red-oranges like the early CP items]. Drips of blue glaze overtop of reddish-orange shades are rarely found.

Markings vary from piece to piece. Some have a P-inside-C, and some have "CP" ink stamps on the underside of the top shell. Others, like the one in the photo, have only "A.F." incused on the underside of the top shell. I believe there are other two-letter stamps known, as well, but I don't have any examples of them. [id=473724918;Some have date stamps]. Many are simply unmarked.

Not uncommon, but a fairly elegant style for being so late in the game.