California Treats from the 2016 Spokanistan Tailgater

By Colin Jung; posted May 30, 2016

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Here are some really neat California insulators that came to me from the Spokanistan Tailgater via trade, outright purchase and cash and trade (I'm flexible). Left to right: Known to me but unlisted is a yellow California toll, CD 121, I have long admired this piece from the Brent Burger collection but acquisition never became a priority until I started really filling in the gaps in my California toll lineup in recent years.

toll lineup [id=424318647]

Middle insulator is an underpour CD 161 in smokey olive green. The underpour affects the entire base so the insulator is noticeably shorter than other CD 161's.

On the right, is a very oddly colored California hoopskirt CD 152 in a tweener color of green and yellow obtained from Roger Ziesak. I thought it might have been a citrine at first, but comparing it to my color reference examples in my collection there is not enough yellow color to make it a citrine. Enjoy.