Recent California eBay Auction by Florida Seller

By Colin Jung; posted July 20, 2015

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A few of you were interested in my opinion on the color of a California signal insulator, CD 161, that recently appeared on eBay from a Florida-based seller. The posted photos had different backgrounds and lighting conditions and the seller was the same person who offered an old MLOB CD 120, which appeared very green in her photos, but much less so in person. Many thought the Cal was yellow and it enjoyed spirited bidding activity with 42 bids. To add to the confusion, the seller's auction title described it as "smokey glass", while the auction description described it as "a light honey" color.

Here is a side-by-side comparison photo. The left photo is from the auction and the right photo is my photo of the piece in my back-lit display case. The Cal is a very strong peach color with light copper tones-- a tweener color...... cop-peach? I didn't win the eBay auction, but I ended up with the Cal.