Giant Ruby Red Whithycomb Found!

By Mike O'Loughlin; posted November 7, 2014

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Not really, just a Freznel lens from an inter-coastal waterway buoy/marker. When the morning sun reflects off the (awesome) glacialy worn Brownville slate, the room turns red! I was told the piece was being used as a waste paper basket when picked in Fla. and that most of these lenses found the same fate as many insulators, -being shot at!! No coincidence there's a train track near each slate quarry by the way. Insulators and slate just go together. Rock= Melted sand too! No? Cracking that piece of slate off a much thicker block years ago was awesome. One minute I was a dufus walking around with a hammer and a screwdriver blade not expecting that a piece that had been hammered on for decades was going to actually going to break loose for me; the next moment "Craaaaaaack!" and the rushing sound of air swishing in where it hadn't been in 40 million years! Right up there with taking my first insulator off an [ INACTIVE! ] pole earlier this year!