Line Materials 1950s Fuse Cutouts

By Joe Maurath, Jr.; posted November 29, 2013

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This is an ad from that era. I have collected these ever since the early 1960s although moves from one place to another until 1978 did not allow me to keep most of these that I had.

Since the 80s I've been following up on "getting back" some of the Line Materials box-type cutouts I fondly recall looking up upon poles in my home town (Brockton, MA) at as a kid, along with the series street lights and other old-timey electric utility stuff I have since adored (and still do!)

Thanks to National Grid (our local utility) and a few other ICONers I've been able to acquire most of the types of LM cutouts I had years ago. Our local utility (formerly Brockton Edison Company) also used a very few green porcelain ones. I am unsure of the purpose of their color (maybe to ID series street lighting loops?)... if you run across any LM ones in green (missing parts okay) I'd like to hear from you.

Same for any other enthusuiasts of old box-type fuse cutouts, no matter what their color or manufacturer. I'm working on a nice collection of them, LM ones are my specialty.

Click "Next" for a recent photo of some of my collection ;-)